Eusko Alkartasunak parte hartzen duen Europako Aliantza Libreak Sorturi buruz Auzitegi Konstituzionalak emandako auzia baloratu egin du.
The European Free Alliance -EFA- welcomes the decision of the Spanish Constitutional Court by which SORTU, the Basque pro-independence left party (also known as “abertzale left”), is legalized. The decision was taken by 6 votes in favor and 5 against.
Fifteen months after the Spanish Supreme Court’s decision to illegalize Sortu, the abertzale left can from now on count on a legal structure that will allow them to participate in elections and openly campaign and defend their political goals. Sortu will maintain the commitments of the abertzale left regarding the political strategy that has led to the creation of the current political platform “EH Bildu”.
Apart from the indubitable positive political consequences of the legalization of Sortu, the EFA wants to also underline the human aspect of such a decision. Militants of the abertzale left, that until now have been deprived from gathering and organizing meetings, punished and criminalized for being politically active, etc. will have the chance to reorganize themselves, to re-open their social centers and headquarters, to open bank accounts and have access to their own financial means, etc… In fact, that they will be able to “regularize” and normalize their political activity, leaving behind the secrecy and the underground activity to which they’ve been condemned.
To conclude, the EFA congratulates all the people that for years have fought and today keep on fighting for the respect of the political rights, and encourages Sortu and EH Bildu to keep on defending democracy, peace and political and civil rights in the Basque Country.
Jatorria: Eusko Alkartasuna